Friday, August 27, 2004

Ipod Frenzy

comex. you, jabroni.

yesterday, my friends who was dismissed from school early, went to the exhibition before me. i was informed that the ipod 20gig was at a price of 470 nett. the first thing that came to my mind was.. pay the 10 bucks, take a cab down immediately and buy that leet shit.

BUTTTTTTT. being so gao brother, i decided to wait for melvin before leaving for comex together. received a call from my friend when i was on the train towards city hall. he told me this. "Erm, the ipod is at 470 bucks.. but theres 1 small problem. NO STOCK! you have to order and collect it 10 days later." my heart sinked as i heard that.

nevertheless, i paid the 200 deposit and am eagerly waiting for apple to ring me.

the four of us had dinner at carrefour, and then watched AvP (Alien vs Predator) at the cinema that i hated most in the whole of singapore. Eng Wah, Suntec. alright, the show was alright. remember, only ALRIGHT. the worse thing about the show is the duration, it hardly lasted 90mins.

read below for spoilers.

its about this bunch of retards that discovered a pyramid buried in the antartica, they tried to invade it but are caught in the middle of a war between the 2 species instead.

oh yah balls, predator is so damn cool. they have the cloaking ability and the windmill shuriken from naruto. the story goes on and on until Alexa allied with the predator. The predator made her a weapon and a shield. alright, everybody knows who win in the end. watch if you want. i'll rate it 6 out of 10.

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