Sunday, September 12, 2004

bet or not?

i'm in a dilema.

i'm broke. the devil is whispering into my ears. urging me to continue betting. but the angel inside me is reminding me on my capital. if i make a big lost again, i might not be able to pay up. but, what if its the direct opposite? i make a killing? sigh, i dont know. bet or not?

i made a few predictions on the matches earlier on. yes, i was spot on. but, i didnt have the guts to place the bets. seems like, my luck is down. really down. if i bet, my predictions are wrong and vice versa.

i'll obey my highness. quit betting. yes, my majesty. i will study for tomorrow's test. dont worry.

my new favourite song.

F.I.R 飞儿乐团 - Lydia

Lydia 迷离的眼眶 为何流浪 心碎的海洋
受了伤 连微笑都彷徨 Gypsin女郎 为谁而唱
你会看见雾 看见云 看见太阳 纪念和大地重复着悲伤
他走了带不走你的天堂 风干后会留下彩虹泪光
他走了你可以把梦留下 总会有个地方 等待爱飞翔
Lydia 幸福不在远方 开一扇窗 许下愿望
你会感受爱 感受恨 感受原谅 生命总不会只充满悲伤

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